ISM-East Tennesse, Inc.

A Chapter of the Institute for Supply Management working together to advance the profession of supply management.

East Tennessee's Leading Supply Chain Management Professionals - CHAPTER

CHAPTER - Come join us at our next meeting.

CHAPTER TO UPDATE - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dictum massa at purus dignissim luctus. Nunc bibendum mauris eu eros luctus porttitor. Morbi tempus sapien a aliquet porttitor. Vestibulum id malesuada elit. Aliquam quis massa vitae nulla lacinia interdum. Aliquam pretium interdum tortor, vel tempor nunc interdum ac.

EXAMPLE: Welcome to the online home of the east Tennessee affiliate of the Institute for Supply Management, the largest supply management organization in the world! We are thrilled you stopped by and invite you to look around. You are also invited to contact us or drop by an event any time you wish. We are a warm and fun-loving group that will welcome you with open arms. We hope to see you soon!

Upcoming Events




Member Only

Quarterly State of Risk Update

Join the executive leaders from ISM and Resilinc as they come together as part of a quarterly series to discuss the latest and emerging risks and disruptions impacting global supply chains. ISM CEO Tom Derry and Resilinc CEO Bindiya Vakil will also provide insights based on respective data and research from both organizations.

Thomas Derry, Bindiya Vakil




Member Only

ISM Member Meetup and Networking - Seattle

 Space is limited and is available on a first come, first serve basis.


Join us for an exclusive ISM community membership meetup event in the greater area of Seattle! Dive into a dynamic evening featuring insights and discussion of trending topics presented by local leaders, and dedicated networking reception. This local event is part of an exciting series of meetups tailored specifically for our member community. Space is limited and is available on a first come, first serve basis.


Forge new connections and strengthen existing ones as you engage with fellow ISM members who share your passion for procurement, supply chain, and professional development. This meetup is your opportunity to explore, learn, and thrive within our vibrant community and experience a prominent local organization. Our host for the evening is Fortive Corporation, and a tour of their factory will be included in the program.


Location:  Fortive Headquarters


Fortive Headquarters,




Member Only

ISM Member Meetup and Networking - Boston

Space is limited and is available on a first come, first serve basis. 


Join us for an exclusive ISM community membership meetup event in the greater area of Boston! Dive into a dynamic evening featuring insights and discussion of trending topics presented by local leaders, and dedicated networking reception. This local event is part of an exciting series of meetups tailored specifically for our community of members.


Forge new connections and strengthen existing ones as you engage with fellow ISM members who share your passion for procurement, supply chain, and professional development. This meetup is your opportunity to explore, learn, and thrive within our vibrant community and experience a prominent local organization. Our host for the evening is Blount Fine Foods.


Location:  Blount Fine Foods

Fall River, MA

Welcome from the President

Welcome!  Thank you for visiting our new website.

ISM—Atlanta, Inc. is a non-profit organization that focuses on the highest level of excellence in the procurement and supply management professions.  Within the Atlanta Chapter, we promote leadership in Ethics, Professionalism, Education, Research, and Networking as our core tenets.  In support of these endeavors, our chapter has membership meetings where we discuss topics relevant to today's professionals as well as creating networking opportunities. 

If you are still exploring what ISM is about and what it may mean to you, please join us as a guest to discover for yourself the value of membership.  We'd love to see you on-line or in person!

If you need more information, please contact the office via email at or call me directly at 678-640-4230.

We hope to see you at the ISM World Conference here in Orlando!

Learn More

Join ISM

Your membership in ISM will provide a powerful path to stay connected, engaged, and up-to-date with everything happening in supply management. Serious procurement and supply chain professionals are dedicated to staying in the know about their profession and staying at the top of their game. An ISM membership will provide you with that and more.

More than 100 years of experience speaks for itself – ISM can help you succeed. It's our mission.

Become A Member

Interview with a Subject Matter Expert or Product Demo - CHAPTER

Those four letters after your name carry a lot of weight in the global supply management field because they are backed by ISM's reputation and credibility. 

Photo Gallery - CHAPTER

Sponsors - CHAPTER